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People Use the Word “Consultants.”
We Prefer “Guides.”

Organizations accumulate a lot of information: ‘stuff’. Call it chaotically accumulated content, and it comes from lots of different sources. This stuff can be an organization’s most valuable asset, but most often…it’s not.

Strategically navigate your journey.

What can we do for you?

We strategically navigate your journey from raw content to insightful wisdom — a strategy built on understanding your objectives, work systems, and external requirements. That’s what we do… build human-focused information strategies that drive value.

Unstructured information content

How do we do it?

We take your stuff — the receipts in the box, the mislabeled spreadsheets, and other unstructured information content—and we organize it. But then we also aggregate, label, and protect it all, so that it’s more accessible. And we make it more usable through analysis and visualization.


And what does it mean to you?

It means productivity, simply. By knowing what you have and how it all connects, you can leverage that information, data, and content to produce predictions and recommendations for actionable insights. In sum, we make your company more efficient, so you can grow and achieve your goals.


The first step to organizing is picking the right tools for the job.

Advisory Services | Change Strategy | Current State Analysis | Future State Roadmap

We can create a human-focused information strategy for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

The path from strategy to execution is not one way.  Change happens.  Execution of a strategy includes people, processes, technology, competing priorities, regulatory constraints, safety concerns, deadlines, communication needs, and many other influences.  As these factors interplay, they will inevitably necessitate adjustments to the strategy, which in turn will guide future execution.  The importance of an adaptable strategy cannot be overemphasized in this symbiotic relationship.

By definition, a strategy involves change, and people are naturally resistant to change.  The most effective technique to address this resistance is by clearly communicating change, and then reinforcing this with more communication and training.  The most elegant strategy and execution will founder without effective change communications.

As the volume of an organization’s information grows, managing it compliantly becomes more and more challenging.  A records and information management strategy is an organized, coherent roadmap and tools for moving an organization to an environment where information is organized, findable, actionable, and verifiable.  It also supports a record’s lifecycle, driving compliance with legal and regulatory recordkeeping requirements.

Engineering and maintenance information provides the foundation for safe, efficient operations in infrastructure intensive industries such as Power & Utilities, Energy, and Chemicals.  An engineering information management strategy is an organized, coherent roadmap and tools for improving and delivering engineering data consistency, quality, integrity, version control, and authoritative sources.  It also addresses compliance with legal and regulatory data requirements.

The CIO Forum Enterprisers Project describes digital transformation as the integration of digital technology into all areas of a business, fundamentally changing how you operate and deliver value to customers. It’s also a cultural change that requires organizations to continually challenge the status quo, experiment, and get comfortable with failure. Developing a digital transformation strategy includes combining leading information management practices, industry standards, and technology options, each supported by change management to consciously plan and prepare for this type of fundamental change.

Success Stories

Information Strategy Drives Safe and Efficient Operations

After decades of haphazard information management practices and growth by acquisition, the downstream division of this integrated energy company needed a fresh evaluation of its information management strategy…

Information Strategy Supports Coast Guard Modernization

As a result of the 9/11 attacks in New York, the mission of the United States Coast Guard expanded significantly. This expansion necessitated a rapid modernization effort to its command structure, support systems, and business practices…

Strategic Advice Supports Global Project Execution

There’s a classic Shel Silverstein poem about Melinda Mae, who eats a monstrous whale. How does she manage it? One bite at a time. This was also the case with a Global 100 company that took on a project to update its information management processes in the midst of an enterprise-wide technology modernization effort…

Solving Business


Each organization has unique challenges and opportunities. Let’s talk about yours.