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Emergency Response Enabled By Accurate Information

Energy Industry | United States

T his integrated energy company ranks among the top 10 publicly traded companies in the world. With more than 90,000 employees and operations in more than 90 countries, they face enormous operational, regulatory, and legal challenges when managing information.


Observing the aftermath of the Deepwater Horizon event in the Gulf of Mexico, this client recognized an urgent need to quickly and confidently access all relevant information about its production wells across the U.S. and Canada. Prior to engaging Access Sciences, this information was managed by eight different client asset teams (e.g. Gulf of Mexico, Canada, etc.) in eight very different ways. One asset team used the client’s standard enterprise content management (ECM) system, another used a different ECM system, a third used a project drive (network file share), while a fourth used employee laptops and desktop hard drives. Where there were file naming or organization conventions, they were inconsistently applied across asset teams, and in several cases, were nonexistent. Finding relevant files, much less finding them quickly or confidently, was next to impossible.


Client needed to quickly and confidently access all relevant information about its production wells following the Deepwater Horizon event.


Our team inventoried, classified, and migrated 20 million files into the client’s ECM system.


Client can now quickly and confidently find information about its production wells for greatly increased efficiency, accuracy, and the ability to respond to unforeseen events in a timely manner.

  • Content Analysis
  • Content Classification
  • Content Migration
  • Ingestion/Imaging/ Classification
  • Metadata Modeling
  • Taxonomy Development


This client turned to Access Sciences to address this global issue. Our project team worked across all of these source repositories to quickly assess, inventory, classify, and migrate a backlog of approximately 20 million files into the client’s standard ECM system. To meet this challenge, our resources, in conjunction with client subject matter experts (SMEs), used Access Sciences-developed classification and migration technology to iteratively index and migrate this information in approximately 6 months, enabling uniform classification and confident findability.


As an additional step, our team gathered ECM file identifiers and associated metadata and used these to configure the client’s well information dashboard with hot links back to the migrated and classified files stored in the ECM.


Once this back file migration was complete, our team provided continued support to migrate newly generated files until the client’s resources were trained on the Access Sciences-developed process and technology solution.


At the end of the 6 month backlog initiative, Access Sciences’ team had enabled the client to quickly and confidently find information about its production wells for greatly increased efficiency, accuracy, and the ability to respond to unforeseen events in a timely manner.

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