A publicly-traded utility company, which provides natural gas and electricity to millions of residents, turned to Access Sciences when it recognized the need to deploy SharePoint’s (SP) records management capabilities due to its widespread use for collaboration, document management, and records storage.
The client had previously designated OpenText Content Server 16 as its official corporate records repository. However, the increasing user demand for its Office 365 platform, Communications including SharePoint Online (SPOL) and Teams, made it clear that the platform must also be used to manage documents through their full lifecycle. The client also recognized that records management policies must be quickly implemented to maintain compliance moving forward.
After gaining a full understanding of the client’s immediate needs and goals, Access Sciences kicked off the project with a carefully selected, dynamic team, equipped with specialized expertise in information governance, technology enablement, and business strategy. In just over three months, the team designed and fully configured the corporate records retention schedule and enterprise taxonomy using the out-of-the-box records management foundation of SPOL.